As someone who often has to create a template prior to copy, I find myself using Lorem Ipsum often, If you don't come from a design background, this "funny looking language" will confuse you.
What is Lorem Ipsum?
A dummy placeholder text is used in layout print, design, and websites to give the appearance of a document without actually providing meaningful content. This random mix of letters dates back to a printer in the 1500s, who took a galley of letters to produce a nonsensical Latin. Lorem Ipsum is also used in "Greeking" which allows designers to look at overall design without letting copy influence their decision.
Are you looking Hip up this 16th-century text? Add a little Cheese Sauce to your chat? Make the old school text walk the plank? Check out 6 funny Lorem Ipsum Generators below:
Looking for a sweet alternative to dry and boring Lorem Ipsum? Check out Cupcake Ipsum.
Chose the number of paragraphs and length (short, medium, or long) to create a cupcake masterpiece in your latest design.
Maybe, a little charcuterie board is a little more your speed. Check out Cheese Ipsum for a savory alternative to Cupcake Ipsum.
Looking for something a little meatier to pair with that Cheese Ipsum? How about Bacon Ipsum! Every dish is better with bacon; why wouldn't your design be? Chose between standard or something a little spicier
Calling all cat ladies! This one is for purr-fect for your next project. Cat Ipsum allows the user to add a title and sub-title to keep all of your copy on the theme. Isn't that the cat's MEOW?
It's time to make that old school Lorem Ipsum walk the plank! Pirate Ipsum allows the flexibility to provide a number of words or sentences, number of sentences within a paragraph, or number of paragraphs to fill yer space with the right text.
Stop being so mainstream and get with the Whipped Coffee times. This artisanal lorem ipsum will make your copy hip, amirite?
What's your favorite way to spice up your design work? Tell me in the copy!
Happy Designing!
Having an unconventional high school experience (Art School kid here!) has defined Becca into the creative that she is today.
With degrees in Fashion Merchandising + Luxury Management, Becca understands what branding means to heritage brands (think Givenchy + Moet) and how those attributes can be applied to your business. Let's Work Together!